Everlyn D. Buglosa


Do your research

Get to know your destination in depth before you arrive. Read traveler reviews and consult with locals for information about the safest neighborhoods, places to stay and incidences of crime. Another important travel security precaution is to know whom to call in an emergency. Get the contact information for the nearest embassy or consulate, police station, and other local emergency departments.

Keep your friends and family updated

No matter whether you are going, on an overnight jaunt or a month-long international journey, it is always a good idea to let friends or family back home know. Before you leave, send a copy of your itinerary to a few trusted people who can keep tabs on your whereabouts. Check in regularly with your contacts so they know you where you supposed to be.

Be aware of your surroundings

Do not let your guard down to snap the perfect picture for your social media platforms. Keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times and use good judgment when talking to strangers. A big part of the joy of traveling is the opportunities it affords to meet new people and learn about their cultures. But if someone near you is acting suspiciously, or if you feel uncomfortable, leave the area immediately.